Dear Siren, I need some wine, the dark side of Nirvana, 

and a wild beach. Existence is a fragmented art.

Deeply-meaningful re-construction

re-emerging new Truths

Fragment and fragment, dare to re-emerge into existence 

as your own exotic myth.

Chameleon winemaker

barefoot on Infinity

Who are you? This question has the most fragmented answer,  

and this answer is ever-expanding…

Not-yet-lived philosophy

not-yet-existing tomorrow

Truth is relative in this world. Truth is always under construction. 

It’s only you who has to find your own Truth.

New fragments of existence, 

limited-edition Truths

Save the whales

and multi-truth redemption.

Re-enchanted genius, 

re-veined concepts of the future

Fragment and fragment, 

existence has an ever-expanding meaning…

Truth-claiming lipstick, 

re-questioning lips

Discover the primordial territory of your Soul, 

and dare to look at your own forbidden blossom.

Abstract infinity, 

not-yet-connected fragments

Asking unasked questions is a new type of genesis. 

Some questions transform.

Banned mirror, 

new concept of reflection

Re-truth your mirror, 

discover new concepts of who you are.

Multi-truth painting

avant-garde worldview