Dear Siren, I keep falling deep down into my abyss 

in search of my own underground art scene.

Ever-expanding exhibition, 

existential re-perfection

Fragment and fragment, expand your concepts 

to expand your world.

More expanded definition of freedom,

more daring resurrection

The night comes, the world falls into a dream.   

Only at night some people enter the world that’s entirely their own.

Hypnotic concepts of existence, 

different versions of promised land

Through art you discover more about your primordial origin.  

Through art you revive your forgotten myth.

Chameleon fairytale, 

authentic story of myself

Save the whales 

and the underground of your Soul.

Limited-edition Paradise,  

discontinued Zodiac

Sometimes your Soul is like an empty gallery 

with perfumed air.

Abstract art,  

unexplained inner territory

Walk barefoot on your dogma to discover the primordial meaning 

of freedom. Yet, remember, the definition of freedom is always in transition.

Incomprehensible Abyss, 

not-yet-tamed depth