Dear Siren, bite me with your rubedo fangs,

I need to come alive.

Transcendent re-construction,

existential re-perfection

Fragment after fragment, become creative self-revelation,  

a wild Alchemical combination. 

New concepts of existence, 

re-emerging new black market of redemption

Infinity is a hypnotic formula that is self-modifying, ever-expanding,  

self-contradicting, and constantly re-emerging.

Avant-garde imagination, 

multi-truth stairs

Only great creators expand their meaning of Infinity 

to expand the definition of their Soul.

Unforeseen innovation, 

art to be one-of-a-kind

Re-masterpiece your worldview. 

Variety of art proves that Infinity loves exotic destinations. 

Not-yet-understood conjunction, 

not-yet-emerged re-perfection