Dear Siren, reach the disturbing depths of my Soul 

to touch the unexplained prima materia. 

In between the falling Wings, 

not-yet-reborn version of you 

Transmute your definition of existence, 

put new meanings under construction.

Not-yet-exorcised vineyard, 

night-blossoming territory

To find the answer of who you are  

you have to answer what your Paradise is made of.

Hypnotic concepts of existence

mythical mirror

Souls create in search of Paradise  

not while in Paradise. 

Transmuted symbol

new meaning of the Orphic Egg

Who are you?  

It takes courage to turn this question into a road.

Not-yet-expanded definition of freedom, 

not-yet-liberated dogma

Sometimes humans leap into the dark  

to find the spiritual version of their own independent light.

Chameleon winemaker

at the edge of the Theory of Everything