Dear Siren, I keep falling deep down into my abyss  

in search of my primordial beginnings.

Independent territory of your Soul

re-masterpieced soundtrack

Fragment after fragment, see your boundaries 

and break them through.

Re-horned individuality, 

unique versions of genesis

An Alchemical path is all about courage 

to shine your own light. 

Independent territory of your Soul,

Alchemical blood type

There is no absolute perfection 

only continuous re-perfection. 

Ever-questioning creator,

insatiable continuity

New concepts are a unique intervention 

into reality.

Masterpiece-obsessed genius, 

re-perfected new Truth

Existence undergoes unique self-innovation 

through our courage for wild combinations.

Provoking new paradigm

existential Haute Couture

Create something that did not exist before, 

re-vein the button NEXT.

New concepts of creation

provoking Gods