Dear Siren, re-masterpiece my worldview, 

let me experience dogma-free transformation. I is an art.

Re-questioning creator

new concepts of liberation

Fragment after fragment, become creative self-revelation, 

a wild alchemical combination.

Abysmal veins

darker and darker pathways to Infinity

Great philosophy is always in transition, 

in fragments of new cognition.

Not-yet-forbidden fairytale,  

dangerous crown

Great creators dare to explore the multiple layers 

of their abysmal Soul.

Self-contradicting philosophy, 

not-yet-understood conjunctions

Great philosophy turns wine  

into one-of-a-kind. 

Ever-combining artist, 

serpentine poetry

Only your meaningful desire starts your hypnotic inner fire.  

Passion seduces us into existence. 

Hypnotic concepts of existence, 

Sirenean pathways to Infinity

Enjoy the wine, don’t spill the night,  

and travel the territory of your own myth.

Not-yet-exorcised vineyard

your most alive definition of art