Dear Siren, I keep falling deep down into my abyss 

in search of an unexplained inner territory. Hic Sunt Dracones.

Daring Alchemist

new concepts of freedom

Fragment after fragment, 

turn Infinity into your spiritual horizon.

Hypnotic concepts of existence, 

wild direction

Great artists create enchanting destinations 

where no one has ever been before.

Independent genius, 

re-masterpieced concept of Paradise

The Alchemical path to your very Core is only for the ones  

who dare to reach their own Edge.

Forbidden concept, 

underground direction

Discover your own light. One-of-a-kind. 

Global universal visions hate independent dreamers.

Global Truth,

banned other Truth-airlines

Save the whales 

and the not-yet-barcoded territories of your Soul.

Universal dream, 

global single-Truth laboratory