Dear Siren, perfume my Soul with something extraordinary. 

The theory of universals hates the extraordinary and one-of-a-kind.

Unlike anyone else

resurrection through new concepts 

Fragment and fragment,  

become an Alchemist of meaning.

Chameleon winemaker

under the Moon of Billion Flamingos

The search for some ideas is an art. 

Some concepts transform.

New concepts of creation

abysmal poet

Great creators are obsessed to transmute the definition 

of existence itself.

Unique concept,

different version of blossom

A Soul is a fragmented fairytale 

that seeks to seduce oneself into existence.

Hypnotic concepts of existence, 

re-perfected promised land

You are evolution through redemption. 

You are revolution through resurrection.

Silent artist, 

abysmal contradiction 

Who are you? This question has the most fragmented answer,  

and this answer is ever-expanding…

Not-yet-understood worldview

not-yet-perceived work of art

Great creators exist as a unique theory of the Universe. 

Unlike anything else.

New concepts of creation

re-perfected Black Swan

Turn your Soul into a work of art. 

True style is independence in blossom.

Re-enchanted individuality, 

re-veined art of distinction