Dear Siren, I need to build magnificent fountains in Hell 

to make them crave water, not some Paradise above…

Unforeseen innovation, 

transmuted telescope

Some Souls will sing a song 

once being a daring Alchemist.

You after Time, 

maybe a daring theory of distinction

Fragment and fragment, 

existence is fragmented creation. 

Ever-expanding exhibition, 

ever-abysmal definition

It takes courage to step on the edge of who you are.  

Yet, it takes a genius to blossom at the periphery of Chaos.

More liberating concepts of existence

more daring expedition

To be an artist is to be an Alchemist.

A genius is a magnificent expression of universe possibilities.

Not-yet-designed Truths, 

not-yet-existing versions of existential Haute Couture

Dare to exist unlike anything else, 

as a unique theory of the Universe. 

New concept crystallization

Black Swan transformation