Dear Siren, I keep falling deep down into my abyss  

in search of my dark prima materia.

Depth-obsessed blood, 

ever-questioning veins

Fragment after fragment, 

creation is primordial self-translation.

Discontinued route, 

limited-edition Paradise

Great creators hear the calling of the wild 

through their passion for Infinity.

Re-enchanted story of yourself, 

re-veined myth

The meaning of freedom is always on the road. 

The essence of freedom is to be creatively unstoppable. 

New concepts of existence, 

ever-transforming exhibition

Question everything,  

existence is a persuasive mirage.

Melting make-up, 

re-emerging new mask

Infinity is a dark deep jungle: 

ever-expanding, ever-creating, ever-abysmal.

Melting intersection, 

re-emerging connection