Dear Siren, I need some wild new concept

to translate my Chaos.

Wild in liberation,

wilder in obsession

Fragment after fragment, your Soul moves as a conjunction.

Infinity loves an ever-expanding dictionary.

Plutonian Labyrinth, 

not-yet-discovered concepts of evolution

Great creators dare to step barefoot 

on the edge of meaning.

Hardcore trailblazer,

melting land between Hell and Paradise. 

Great creators exist as wild combinations 

under Alchemical transmutation.

No perfection,

only re-perfection

Infinity loves different hypnotic Truths  

not a single version.

Self-contradicting direction, 

not-yet-understood conjunction

Dare to create. Dare to re-create.  

Through creation you experience primordial self-translation.

Discontinued fairytale, 

limited-edition Paradise

Re-paradigm your dogma, 

re-vampire your blood.

Truth-claiming mask, 

re-questioning eyes