Dear Siren, take me to the edge of what I believe; 

somewhere I am stepping on the territory of my own myth.

Melting intersection, 

re-emerging connection

Fragment after fragment,

existence is a never-ending journey of becoming.

New concepts of existence

ever-combining laboratory

Question your existence deeper. 

Some questions turn you into an unstoppable force.

Banned world, 

re-emerging new concept of a territory

Save the whales 

and wildflower crowns.

Silent artist

abysmal primordial howl

Artists are born to be re-born every night. 

The future of art is to turn everything into a work of art.

Chameleon re-construction

primordial redemption

At the edge of who you are,  

you may find the fragments of your original beginnings.

Underground myth

forbidden legacy 

Where the Siren goes, 

there becomes the land of the Dragon.

Re-enchanted Gods, 

re-veined territory

Save the whales 

and the uncharted territories of your Soul.

Not-yet-exorcised vineyard,

barefoot on Infinity

Your art is your own territory. 

Only independent skies have Dragons.

Not-yet-expanded definition of freedom

not-yet-liberated Truth-satellite

To become a great artist,  

turn the territory of your Soul into a work of art.

New fragments of existence, 

more daring concepts of you

Stretch your mind in ideas. Stretch your mind in knowledge. 

Stretch your mind to expand your Soul.

Masterpiece-obsessed genius, 

re-perfected concept of evolution