Dear Siren, re-masterpiece my worldview,

let me experience different versions of my own genesis.

Daring Alchemist

multi-truth direction

Fragment after fragment, turn your Soul into a work of art, 

dare to become your own exotic myth.

Melting concepts, 

re-emerging vineyard

To deepen the definition of your Soul 

you have to transmute the definition of art.

Dragon’s territory, 

Sirenean masterpiece

Ask questions unasked before.  

Some questions are extraordinary fragments of existence.

New philosophy, 

banned Orphic Egg

Every symbol is a door. 

Some symbols let you expand the concept of your Soul.

Turquoise worldview

red prima materia

Welcome to planet Earth, 

discover new theories of who you are.

Mythical veins, 

not-yet-discovered genesis

Save the whales 

and multi-truth airlines.

Not-yet-exorcised vineyard

Truth-fugitive address