Dear Siren, turn my mirror into Infinity,
I need to see my abysmal reflection.
not-yet-visible falling Angel
Fragment after fragment, travel to your very Edge
to see the horizon of your very Core.
Transmuted symbol,
Great creators have courage to translate their Chaos
into something extraordinary.
New concepts of creation,
not-yet-understood conjunctions
Individuality is an art
to be one-of-a-kind.
Underground artist,
Artists are born to be re-born
every night.
exotic address
Great creators dare to enter brave disturbing concepts
to translate their Chaos.
Transmuted imagination,
In new fragments of existence you find more about yourself.
In new fragments you re-discover yourself.
fragmented painting
There is no absolute perfection
only continuous re-perfection.
Ever-evolving understanding of the Alchemical Gold,
at the edge of the Theory of Everything
Become ever-expanding creation, ever-enchanting combination,
ever-abysmal transformation.
Soul-transmuting eternity,
People search for the great Truths…
But every Truth is just the most hypnotic version of possibility.
Truth-seeking labyrinth,
ever-changing forms of redemption
Expand your concepts
to expand your world.
Abysmal re-construction,