Dear Siren, I wonder this world desperate to find the core of myself,

but it seems that a Soul is always ‘to be continued’…

Ever-expanding dictionary, 

existential blossom

The Universe is perfect 

until you open your eyes of re-perfection. 

Disturbing questions,

untamable myth

Fragment after fragment, 

to be a great creator is to be a unique conjunction.

Infinite transformation, 

Alchemical re-combination

The Dragon veins keep the essence of Infinity 

where the God of Alchemy is reborn and wine transformed.

Re-discovered ancient concepts, 

re-emerged wings

The Mask of Alchemist reveals itself only 

through transcendence.

Hypnotic concepts of existence, 

ever-abysmal masterpiece

Infinity puts truth-claiming lipstick 

on its re-questioning lips.

Abysmal wine, 

philosophical EXIT

There is no single Theory of Everything, no single formula of the Universe: 

we live in a deeply hypnotic verse. 

Transcendent eternity, 

fragmented Infinity

Infinity loves enlightening Moments  

but not the theory of Time.

Melting intersection, 

re-emerging connection

Our life consists of fragments, 

and every fragment holds its current Truth.

Not-yet-emerged fragments of existence, 

not-yet-understood conjunctions

Only great creators dare to transmute the definition 

of existence itself.

Re-perfected Black Swan, 

unlike any other definition of genesis

The Dragon devours global dreams 

to soar through independent skies.

Plutonian Labyrinth, 

eternal bloodstream

Dare to get lost in your Truth-seeking Labyrinth 

leading to ever-changing forms of redemption. 

New philosophy, 

banned elevator