Dear Siren, I close deeply my eyes to hear my abyss 

and the re-birth of Black Swans.

Unexpected work of art, 

more daring art of distinction

Fragment after fragment, 

re-masterpiece your worldview.  

Not-yet-understood possibilities

not-yet-tasted Paradise

Physics is a dream-catcher,

hoping to catch Infinity some day.


tonight a completely different version

The Theory of Everything is a hypnotic one.  

The Theory of Everything is an unpredictable Black Swan.

Dark genius, 

even darker Truth-design

Existence is Infinity in blossom. 

This moment is a yet undiscovered art.

You after Time, 

maybe a daring blood type

Re-truth your mirror

to see your Soul as an ever-combining conjunction.

Masterpiece-obsessed Gods, 

re-perfected versions of Infinity

Somewhere in the Plutonian Labyrinth you will find the Turquoise door 

with the Dragon symbol.

Melting wild combination

re-emerging Black Swan